““Why don’t you tell the group about yourself?”
”My name is George Michael Bluth. I am a 16 year old, Caucasian male. My mom died. And I guess that’s it.”
”Hardly. See if it were me, I’d say, ‘I’m Donny Richter. I have a brother named Andy. He’s an attention hog. He can’t seem to really attract a real audience, but I love the fat SOB anyway.””
It's tough to know what to say about yourself, so I made a list of ten things that may be helpful to know.
- I'm the kind of person who thinks better in lists. I like organized thought.
- I'm a Christian. Now that I've started the list, I realize this should have been first. Being a Christian means that I believe in an all-powerful God through whom we live and move and have our being. I, however, am separated from that life-giving God because I'd prefer to be my own god; it's a rebellion that ends in death. Nevertheless, God loved me with a lavish one-way love and sent his son Jesus to chase down rebels like me; He was sent to live a perfect life, die a sacrificial death on my behalf, and defeat death (the consequence of separation from God) once and for all by rising from the Grave, thus verifying all the claims about Himself. In faith, I have put my total confidence in this gracious sacrifice, believing that through Jesus, and through Jesus alone, can I be reconciled completely back to God.
- I'm a husband. I've been married for 13 years to Christi. She occasionally blogs at www.thishappymess.com and posts frequently on Facebook at Facebook.com/christi.mulder.
- I'm a father. I have five kids; three adopted and two biological. I have two sets of twins: twin boys and twin girls.
- I'm an INTJ (Meyer's Briggs) and a DC (DISC Profile). If you are familiar with these personality profiles you will understand why this fact even made the list. Also, you will understand why I made a list. It's more of a warning than anything else.
- I'm a pastor. If I told my 15 year old self this he would have punched me in the teeth for blasphemy.
- The church I serve is a church plant. This means that we are a new community of people living on a new mission together. You can check it out at www.restoreworship.org.
- I enjoy writing. See #5.
- If I have a choice, the celery stays in the kitchen when the buffalo wings are served. I appreciate the attempt at a garnish, but do me a solid and go ahead and hold the celery.
- If you buy me a pint you can't go wrong with Samuel Adams. Unless it's Old Fezziwig.