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Added on by Jeremy Mulder.

What if you could actually do whatever it was that made you happy?

I don't mean the freedom to go out to dinner whenever you wanted, purchase whatever your heart wanted to purchase, or snub a person just because you don't feel like talking. I'm talking bigger, purpose level stuff. What if you could actually enjoy life, day in and day out, doing exactly what you always wanted to do, feeling fulfilled in your work or daily life, finding that your joy was overflowing with each passing moment?

That sounds like a fairytale, and in some ways, it is. The fact is that even if you actually got what you wanted, and you could do, day in and day out, whatever it was that you most loved to do, hard moments were going to come and there would be seasons of sorrow. I was reminded this past week that Solomon himself said this in his letter of Ecclesiastes, after having lived a storied and privileged life if there ever was one, that in spite of having the ability to do and attain whatever he desired, he found that at the end of the day it was all meaningless.

There is a Christian thought that says that the chief end of man is the enjoyment of God; that is, once we have come to taste the pleasure of our salvation that is found in Jesus, we will increasingly grow in our delight of him so that, in the end, our greatest pleasure is giving honor and praise and glory to God, through whom we have received this great joy. I would never argue this theologically; in fact, quite the contrary. It is one of the principled themes that guides my life. We must find great joy in God himself, through Jesus Christ, or our faith is worthless. Why would I want to put my confidence in something that robbed me of pleasure? This is contrary to my entire being; I know, without having to learn it, without having to be taught it, without anyone having to tell me, that in my innermost being I will pursue whatever is most pleasurable to me. When I choose to pursue something otherwise, it feels profoundly off, like choosing the wrong path at a fork in the woods.

We are so guided by pleasure, in fact, that there are times when we are not even aware that we are doing it. There are times where the initial decision doesn't appear to be for our own pleasure at all, but the outcome is far more desirable. In other words, we choose the difficult path now because the long term reward is far better. There is something about us that knows the decision will end in pleasure even if, in the moment, our senses tell us otherwise.

I have sat on the exit row on an airplane on more than one occasion and every time I have listened to the flight attendant tell me that, should I choose to sit there, I would be responsible for ensuring that the other passengers made it safely out the door and down the slide, in the event that an evacuation was even possible (something I always assume will probably not be the case). I believed that the appeal the attendant was making was to my reason, and indeed, that is true to a certain degree. We human beings have the ability to choose against our natural instinct to save ourselves, and instead hang back in a dangerous position in order to let other people go on ahead to safety. That is a uniquely human characteristic, that we can choose reason over instinct. Yet, there is another factor at play as well, and this is the appeal to our pleasure.

It is our natural instinct towards pleasure that I may say unites us with the creation itself. My dog might choose the safety of my own family over his own family, much the same as I might choose the safety of the other passengers over my own, but this has nothing to do with reason. My dog puts my family first because his instinct is to serve; to say it another way, it is his pleasure to do it.

You might wonder how it is possible that there is any pleasure at all from putting ourselves in danger, or how remaining in danger is more pleasurable than running on to safety, but consider the outcome in either case. If we decided to disregard our responsibility and jump out of the exit door before anyone else had a chance, we would probably survive, along with at least a few others. Indeed, it is entirely possible that everyone would survive, and our act of cowardice would be inconsequential to the outcome. But we would have to live with it; we would have to live with the knowledge that we bailed out in what may have been the greatest moment of responsibility to others we have ever faced. It would have been a great displeasure to us to have to live under that shadow; we would be safe, but we would also be ashamed.

On the other hand, had we taken our responsibility seriously we may end up dead. Perhaps we would survive, in which case we would be lauded a hero. But if we did die, at least we would have had the pleasure of knowing that we went out helping others; we would still be lauded a hero, we would just not have the knowledge of it. Nevertheless, most would say, better to die as a noble person than to live as a coward.

The point of the story is simply that, even if we didn't immediately recognize it at the moment of decision, the end result was that our pleasure would be increased. It brought us more pleasure to set aside our inherent self-interest in order that others would be led to safety. We may not have known it when we sat in the exit row (a decision largely made for our own pleasure and increased leg room) and we may not have immediately known it when our exit services were actually required, but when it was all over and as many as could be saved were off the plane, we would have remarked that it was "our pleasure" to assist however we could.

So our pleasure is our chief motivation; God is our chief end. This truth has led many people to learn contentment and joy despite their circumstances. Many Christians, despite tremendous difficulty and suffering, can nevertheless say that they have joy because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ. It was worth whatever they had lost! It was like a treasure in a field that they sold everything to get. Yet I would argue that despite the theological truth, and the experiential reality of having enjoyed Christ in spite of suffering (and having seen Him enjoyed by others), the dimension of our pleasure that we have too quickly set asunder in our modern era is the reality of our humanity.

I have come across many people, and I may include myself in this, who have found themselves in unpleasant circumstances, but rather than change the circumstances for their pleasure have instead attempted to will themselves towards joy in Christ. I wonder how often Jesus might have curiously suggested that they simply change whatever it was that they did not like.

Indeed, there are moments where we cannot change what brings us displeasure, humanly speaking. We cannot simply will away cancer or decide not to have it. In those moments, we will be glad to know that we find our great joy in Christ. But what of the person who is miserable because they do not live near their family, or the person who is miserable in their job, or the person who lives in a place where they have no friends, or attends the church that they do not enjoy? To what degree are we expected to find joy in Christ in circumstances where our joy might be renewed simply by changing something?

Perhaps we assume that making a decision based purely on whatever will make us happy is unspiritual. I would argue that this is precisely the case, and precisely the reason we should do it. In one sense, we know that all of life is spiritual; that is, there is nothing that is not in some way affected by our relational status with God the creator of the universe. But in another sense, we are flesh and blood; we are irrevocably "earthy" in our existence and unmistakably unspiritual, which is exactly how God intended it to be. If it is impossible for us to separate the spiritual from our decision making process, it is equally as impossible–and equally unwise–for us to separate our humanity from the decision making process. We may even find that it is our earthly situation that is robbing us of our spiritual joy in Christ!

I was asked the question once whether I felt like I would be disobeying Jesus if I did not plant a church. "What a spiritual question!", I thought. Of course, I had no answer to it, as I hadn't really considered whether or not Jesus' call to me was one that I could obey or disobey, or whether he would be pleased or displeased with my decision. To that point, I had simply considered that this is what I should do. I had weighed the alternatives. This seemed right. It seemed like something worth exploring. By the time this person had asked me whether or not I would be disobeying Jesus, I really didn't know. I supposed that I could be perfectly obedient to Jesus doing any number of things, but this was the one that, for now, seemed to be the right one. I don't even know what I answered when the person asked.

Standing where I am now and considering the question through the lens of hindsight I see the deep flaw in it. To me, it spiritualizes what is in many ways a very human question: what do you want to do, and why are you doing it? For as much as Jesus calls us to come and die to ourselves so that we can live for him, it is also a deep truth of the good news that Jesus meets us precisely where we are. I would suggest that the way we can know a call is from Jesus is if the outcome fills us with great pleasure.

In fact, I may go so far as to say that I am convinced that Jesus greatest call on us is to whatever it is that will bring us the most pleasure.

It is important to understand that that Jesus knows better than we do what will bring us pleasure. There are dark desires of my heart that may fool me into believing that they will bring me pleasure, and in the moment, they might, but in the long run, will lead to my destruction and actually rob me of joy. Whereas, a temporary denial of that quick pleasure will lead to lasting joy. Jesus desires my greater pleasure, the one that fills me with lasting joy, and not a temporary high.

Yet there are many things in life that bring great joy and are not sinful, or guilty pleasure, or pleasures that are fleeting, but are good, God-given pleasures that are flawed because we are flawed but are good because God in his mercy has made sure they remained good. If your family is anything like mine is is deeply flawed and yet it is good. I live in and with a community of people who are deeply flawed and yet profoundly good. I live in a town with deeply flawed leadership and yet, somehow, by God's grace, is still good. There are good things that abound around us and that bring me great happiness.

There was a moment in my life when I would have moved anywhere for God, and many times did. (I am thankful that God has not called me to international missions, and I am not sure how I would have responded if he had.) We moved to many different states and cities, and would have moved to many more, in order to pursue the calling that we felt he had placed on our lives. Why did we do that? It was our great pleasure! There was something about the continual call, the next step, the bigger ministry. We weren't bound by time, place, or relationships. We would go wherever God called!

But was that more or less spiritual than our current desire not to ever move again, desiring that we stay here for a very long time, even if it means ministering in relative obscurity for the rest of our lives? This, too, is our great pleasure. To remain in a place where our children are loved, where we are cared for, with people that we love, with people that we care for. You might ask, what if Jesus has called us to great influence? I would suggest that Jesus has not called us to influence; he has called us to joy.

And so I return to my humanity and my joy and pleasure and family and all the things that make me me and you you. What are we doing or not doing under the misguided belief that Jesus has called us to contentment despite our displeasure? Perhaps Jesus has called us away from our displeasure so that we will find our contentment. I have run into those who lived in displeasure because they felt they were called by God to do so; I can't help but wonder if they are missing his purest call. Maybe contentment means deciding to take a lower paying, less influential job simply because it is near family, and family makes us happy. Maybe it is to not take the next promotion because it would mean more time away from home, and home makes us happy. Maybe it would be to move to the shore, because the shore makes us happy. Maybe it would be to move to a small town by a lake in the woods, because nature makes us happy.

Jesus has called us to pleasure in Him. What I am suggesting here, for myself and for you, is that if we really found our deepest satisfaction in Jesus, we would find ourselves far more free to choose whatever makes us happy in this life. Do you want to find another job? Find another job. Jesus is okay with it. Do you want to move closer to family? Then move. Jesus is just as much there as he his here; you may find him to be more pleasurable when you are near those you love. Actually leaving behind all those things that Jesus calls us to leave behind so that we can pursue him means that we don't have to feel like we are bound by those things anymore; instead of feeling enslaved to a job or to a location or a place or whatever, we are actually freed from the bondage so that we can enjoy them. Jesus doesn't just bring us spiritual joy; he frees us to experience human joy as well; the type of joy that comes from sitting next to a brook or fishing on a quiet pond or hiking a mountain or turning off our cell phone and just sitting there, unreachable for the rest of the world, playing a game with our kids, reading a book, doing a puzzle.

Finding our joy in Jesus reveals a freeing truth: Jesus doesn't need us to save the world. He's already done it. Which means that you can go and enjoy Him, forever.

Changing Dreams

Added on by Jeremy Mulder.

Legit. Worth the read.

Our home is beautiful. Everyone who sees it tells us. And we happen to agree.

When people come to visit they settle in quickly. Even if it is their first time there, they feel at home.

And now we are doing something probably even fewer people do. We selling our dream home.
— Jeremy Statton

Misleading Questions and the Vision for Your Life

Added on by Jeremy Mulder.

I admit that when I started writing this morning, I began by rhetorically asking the wrong question.

The question I had planned on considering in this post was: "what would you do if you could do just one thing?" This was the question I was asked over and over and over again in an attempt to help me understand what I ought to do with my life. I suppose I was asked a similar question to this one in High School on one of those tests that was supposed to help me figure out my future. As I got older, the question was framed differently: "what would you do if you never got paid?" Or, on the flip side, "what would you do if you had a million dollars?" (Most of my life, it seemed to me that the only person to ever have answered that question truthfully was Peter Gibbons: "Nothing. I'd do absolutely nothing.") Unfortunately, it's the wrong question, and a misleading one at that.

First, it's the wrong question because God has already given us a "one thing to do". If the "doing just one thing" question has any value, it is supposed to guide every other choice that you make. If you can figure out the one big thing, the "vision for your life", then you can figure out everything else that you need to do to get there.

I remember reflecting on this several years ago when I was thinking about my career choice. I had been in ministry for several years and I was frustrated at where I was. For some reason it occurred to me that if I wanted to switch careers, I would need to figure out what I wanted to do and then if I could figure that out, it would guide my choices for today. When my time finally came to enter this new career, maybe several years from now, I would be ready because I would have been targeting it the whole time. I decided the same thing had to happen for me in ministry. At the time, I may not have had a particular assignment, but if I really felt the call to be in ministry, it was imperative that I continue to prepare myself. That way, when my number got called, I was ready to go.

The Bible gives every Christian a "one thing to do" that ought to give us guidance and vision for everything else that we do. To be a Christian means that we have put our total confidence in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to reconcile us to God. This reconciliation was necessary because we were on a path of destruction; we were living our own way, chasing our own dreams, ignoring God's will and reign. We were in bondage; now we have been set free.

What follows from that freedom is a new mission: to bring glory to God because of the work of Jesus Christ. Everything you do now will be to that end. It is the primary calling on your life; the thing that guides every choice you make. The Christian declares, "My goal is to advance the Kingdom of God and to ensure that His will is done in this domain, the earth, as it is in the domain of Heaven."

This is the lead calling in the life of the Christian, that,  when you have understood it, will profoundly influence how you answer the question above about the "one thing you would do". It answers the question and unseats whatever answer was there before. All of us, no matter our daily occupations, are kingdom builders. That is "the one thing that we must do."

In my experience most people are unable to articulate this as their chief end or their purpose. They believe that Christianity is about being good, or doing the right things, or about being moral or ethical or Republican or Democrat or accepting or loving or tolerant. Jesus has moved from being "savior who calls us into a new kingdom" to "good example who teaches us how to live". They were never told in advance that following Christ means a radical alteration of how we view the world and our purpose within it. The broad implications of this are that the church isn't making much headway advancing the actual kingdom of God. A kingdom that reflects us? Sure. But not a kingdom that reflects God's will and his ideals.

It is imperative that we understand this primary goal and chief calling. Without it, our life will reflect only our desires and our passions and our will and will never be guided by the desires, passions, and will of God. And they might be vastly different things. 

Second, because God's "one thing" adds purpose and redeems our real life. Is it just me, or does the "one thing" question lead you to a point where you start to feel like unless you do something massive and extraordinary, you are sort of a waste of space?

I was reading the story of William Wilberforce this morning, the man who is credited with leading England to abolish the slave trade in the 18th century. We read a story like his and then we ask, "so what is God calling ou to do?" And the result is that we feel obligated to come up with something huge and world-changing: I'm going to abolish sex-trafficking or hunger or malaria or become the pastor of a mega-church or write a best-seller on the Gospel or whatever. Or, on the other side, we just get depressed. Depressed because we realize that most of those things seem hopelessly unrealistic.

Here's the thing about Wilberforce: when he became a Christian, he was already a member of Parliament. He was already influential. He was young. His buddy was the Prime Minister. He was wealthy. He had a bunch of tools in place and didn't really know what to do with them; up until he became a Christian, he had basically squandered all of it and used it to his own gain. Then Jesus showed up. Far from sitting him down in a room and saying, "now William, what is the one thing you would do?", Jesus instead gave William's work real and lasting value. Now, William knew, my goal is to glorify God. How has God set me up to do that?

Interestingly, William almost derailed what was eventually God's plan for his life by trying to answer the "one thing" question on his own terms. If you asked him after he became a Christian, "what is the one thing you would do if you could only do one thing" William would have said, "be a member of the clergy." Thank goodness he never did that. The right answer was, "glorify God". He didn't need to be a member of the clergy to do that.

God's purpose for your life gives your life direction and purpose that is already higher and more important than whatever you could come up with yourself. The Christian person raising kids in suburban New Jersey and the Christian person trying to solve world hunger have both been given the same purpose, the same "one thing": to glory God and bring his kingdom and will in the world. Some of us do that by raising Christian children who will run Christian businesses and operate with proper ethics and do their job well and earn money so they can give it away. Others of us will do that by moving to a remote village somewhere in the world and explaining the Gospel to it's inhabitants. What gives any of our work meaning is this: it is for the glory of God.

A much better question for the Christian, then, ought to be this. How am I advancing the kingdom of God and his will in the life that I already live? And then, how can I invite others along with me on the journey?

You are a kingdom builder already; what you are doing is already extraordinary. It is supernatural. You are bringing God's kingdom here as it is there. That's your task, no matter what you are doing today.

And that's the reality that ought to shape our choices today, and our vision for our future.

How to be Successful

Added on by Jeremy Mulder.

I was listening to an interview with Warren Buffet this morning on Sports Radio. Despite it being a sports program he was asked the question he's probably always asked: what made you successful?

Three things that he mentioned. First, he found something that he loved from an early age. second, he had the right temperament to do what it is that he does. Third, he had great teachers along the way.

I'd sum it up this way: Passion. Gifts. Education.

Your passion is what gets you up in the morning and gives you the energy to push through, even when things are tough. We think of the word "passion" to mean a sort of ecstasy or deep seeded emotion. The word actually derives from the Latin for "suffer". In other words, what is it that makes you suffer in your soul? Is there anything that bothers you about how things are? Is there something that you can't help but do, because not doing it would cause greater pain than doing it?

Passion is what makes a man like Nelson Mandela endure years in prison because the cause of abolishing apartheid was too important to ignore. It would have been more painful for him to be free, and ignore the problem, than it was to be in prison, but continue fighting. That's passion.

Your gifts are what enable you to do something about your passion. Not everyone has the same gifts. Gifting can look like temperament, as in Buffet's case. He doesn't get rattled when people disagree with his decisions or when the stock market appears to be tanking in the short term. He has tough skin and can take the long view. Gifting can look like skills. Some people can motivate others with words; some people can motivate others with money. Some people can do; others can teach. Your gifting is going to help you fulfill your passion.

And finally, education or knowledge. You need people around you that will help shape and form who you are so that you can be the most focused in the pursuit of your passion. You also need to have the right information so that you can pursue your passion most effectively. Education can be helping you understand more about who you are; oftentimes, we think we're good at something that maybe we're not (case in point: most of the people auditioning for television Talent Shows). Learning you stink at something is a form of education. It's an important knowledge to have–almost equally important, actually, as knowing what you are good at. 

We also need to know something about how the world actually is. If you want to fix the poverty problem in a little known African country, you need to know hy things are the way that they are in that African country. One of the reasons that most oversees charity is so ineffective is because we project our culture on to theirs; we project a certain way of thinking and doing things onto a group of people who have their own way of thinking and doing things. The most successful people will be the ones who have the right information about themselves, and about the problem they are trying to tackle.

Passion. Gifts. Education.

You probably won't ever become the world's wealthiest person, but that's not how success is measured. At the end of your life you'll measure success based on how closely you came to aligning yourself with your truest passion. The closer you were aligned, the more you were able to accomplish, the more successful you will be. The further you were, the less successful you will be. Everything else will be icing on the cake; even 50 billion dollars.