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Denominations: God's Hilarious Joke, Part Three

Added on by Jeremy Mulder.

I was asked to write a post about "getting along with your denomination", and this is what came out. I'm presenting it in three parts, because it's too long for one post. This is part three. (Read Part One and Part Two.)

Opportunities for Grace

I wanted to close with what I think is probably the most important reminder that's needed when dealing with a denomination: it provides us an opportunity for Grace with other brother's and sisters that can demonstrate what unity looks like in the church of Jesus Christ.

When I was outside of the denominational context, I thought just the opposite. I thought that denominations were proof that Christians were divided. And it's true that historically, denominations have often formed because of disagreement over various theological issues large and small. The solution to that problem, however, is not an even greater fragmentation of the Christian church; the solution is greater unity. And that unity is often most clearly seen in the denominational context, particularly when variety and loving disagreement continue to exist within it's ranks.

My denomination allows for the ordination of women, but also allows local bodies of Elders in a particular local church to decide for themselves based on their theological convictions. I am convinced that the Scripture is clear on the issue of eldership, and that elders (and therefore ordained Pastors) are supposed to be men. That creates a tension that I and my church have had to navigate.

On the one hand, I wish my denomination took a more definitive stance on the issue. I wish it was something that all the churches agreed upon, so that I didn't have to handle it on a local level. (It'd be nice to simply refer to "official policy" and avoid a debate!) On the other hand, it has offered me far more opportunities to have grace for my brothers or sisters in disagreement than I would have had otherwise; the fact is that if they did take a definitive stance, it would have led to the departure of some significant portion of the churches.

I'm reminded when I see my ordained sister's-in-ministry that even though we disagree on the issue of Eldership, we agree on the issue of Jesus. I'm reminded that they are lovers of Jesus like I am a lover of Jesus and they desire that people come to know him like I desire that people come to know him. I'm reminded that one of us might be wrong and the other one might be right but even if I'm right on this doctrine, I'm probably wrong (or at least incomplete!) on another one. And yet, at the end of time, we're both going to stand before our master and he's going to say, "well done, good and faithful servant". The Christian life is a life of grace–for the sinner, and for the "righteous". 


I'm still not a denominational apologist; I don't think you have to be a part of a denomination in order to have a proper church, nor do I think that denominational churches are necessarily healthier spiritually or organizationally (in fact, a cursory glance at the church in America would indicate that they're not!) What I've learned, though, is that we're often too quick to reject them and reject many of our brothers and sisters in the process.

Several years back, as I was exploring my call to plant a church, I read the church profile form of a church that was searching for a Senior Pastor. They were one of several churches from that denomination in the area, and it was evident to me that none of the churches were doing very well. This church profile form in particular indicated some frustration. It said something to the effect of, "we want to move forward, but we want someone who is going to lead us and not just push us around."

What they meant was, "we want someone who will love us." 

I wondered to myself, with all the talk of church planting, who will love these people? What leaders and pastors will love these saints, who have endured the hard road of the faith for many years, who established churches long ago, and may have lost their way? Who will endure the red-tape, and the hoops, to re-introduce these saints to Jesus and remind them of the beauty of the Gospel?

I said to myself at the time, "I guess someone else will have to do it." And then God pulled a fast one. And we've been laughing ever since.

Denominations: God's Hilarious Joke, Part Two

Added on by Jeremy Mulder.

I was asked to write a post about "getting along with your denomination", and this is what came out. I'm presenting it in three parts, because it's too long for one post. This is part two. Part one can be found here.

A Unique Flavor

The connectedness of a denomination is not just creeds and confessions, but "flavors" of Christianity that are preserved in a unique form. Denominations typically represent more than just a particular theological approach to the Christian faith; they also preserve perspectives on the Christian faith that can inform the church at large.

I had been looking at our denomination in the 21st century and wondering, "where do I fit?" It was easy to pick apart the shortfalls and flaws and the infighting and the confusion and I wondered why God had put me where he had put me. I remembered the moment when my heart began to  change.

The book I was reading was Philosophers who Believe. It was a collection of Christian testimonies from leading 20th century philosophers, and I was captivated by a philosopher named Alvin Plantinga. I went on to pick up his book, God and Other Minds, among others, and was mesmerized by his intellect, and his ability to articulate the Christian faith in a way that was clear and rationale and didn't feel the need to resort to simple platitudes of "just have faith's" and "just believe's". It felt like I had found someone who spoke my language. 

To my initial dismay but ultimate delight, I realized that he was a member of my denomination, and furthermore, that the history of our denomination had always been to engage the sciences and the intellect through the lens of God's sovereignty and his Scripture. I was dismayed that my denomination wasn't as terrible as I thought it was (pride, remember?) but was delighted when I began to see why God had put me where he did. It wasn't that Plantinga spoke my language; it was that I was learning that there was a whole denomination of people who had preserved a particular flavor of intellectual faith throughout their history, and now I was a part of it.

Honor the Tradition

Denominations are often criticized for being slow-moving, difficult to change, and in many cases, stuck in their traditions. Anyone who has ever been a part of one knows how true that can be! It is an unfortunate reality that many of our sister denominational churches would be the most relevant church on the block...if it was 1960!

Some traditions have to be de-emphasized, if not removed altogether. They are just preferences of a culture that has long since passed; organs, carpet colors, maybe even hymn books. Even so, we need to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater! What may be slow-moving, slow-to change elements of tradition might have a historicity to them that would make us blush if we knew what we were rejecting–or what we were doing to the elderly saints who hold them dear.

I was preaching at a denominational church not too long ago. Most of the congregation at the service I typically lead is very elderly. A few of them are first generation immigrants who came to the United States at a young age. I knew that the church was going through some changes, and that the general complaint was that some of the elderly folks were being sticks-in-the-mud and holding up the process. It would have been easy to think to myself–as I had on occasion–that the problem was simply that these elderly people had just never heard the Gospel! Surely, if they had, they'd be willing to change!

My sermon that night mentioned Corrie Ten Boom, and I talked about her family watch shop, and how she brought in refugees from Germany who were trying to escape the concentration camps. Eventually, Corrie was captured by the Gestapo and spent many years in a concentration camp herself, preaching the Gospel and providing hope and comfort to the other women who were there with her.

After the sermon, a man came up to me with tears in his eyes, and he began to tell me his story:

"I remember growing up in Holland when I was just a boy. My family owned a farm, and we were relatively far out in the country. When the war started, and the refugees began coming by, my parents knew that we needed to take them in, like many of the other Christian families were doing. We knew that we needed to have a hiding place for the refugees in the event that the Gestapo came looking.

We originally decided that we'd hide them in the haystacks in the barn, but eventually changed our minds. Since we were out in the country, we knew we'd get a warning if the Gestapo was ever on their way. We decided that a better hiding spot was in the canal. We made long straws for them, and they would hide under the water in the canal and breathe through the tube. The first time that the Gestapo came by, the first thing they did was take pitch forks and jam them into the haystacks.

I remember what my mother used to tell us every time the Gestapo came by. Before they got there, she would sit us down and say, "kids, tonight we might be with Jesus. But if not, then he has more work for us to do."

And then we would pray."

The man's eyes were filling with tears as he reached the end of the story, and the deep love of his heart was being made clear. I don't know if he was one of the ones who was being the proverbial stick-in-the-mud, but who might have blamed him if he was? The tradition of the church wasn't just a preference for him; it was a stabilizing force that withstood the test of dark times. It wasn't a lack of Gospel knowledge–in fact, most 21st century American Christians probably need a reminder of how cushy our lives actually are–it was a deep reminder for him that God was sovereign and that Jesus was in control.

That's not necessarily an excuse to stand in the way of continued reformation and change, but it's a good reminder that some of our brothers and sisters have carried the mantle of the Gospel through times darker than most of us have yet to experience.

Every hoop has a story

When I joined the denomination, I knew I was going to have to jump through a variety of hoops. (It occurs to me that I have no idea where that expression comes from, only what it means!) I knew that there would be red tape. I knew there would be some politics involved. I knew that we wouldn't be able to do things as quickly as we wanted to do them. It's easy to criticize the hoops as unnecessary bureaucracy, and in some cases that's exactly what they are. It's also easy to forget that every hoop has a story.

Every year, our governing body (called "Synod") gets together with representatives from each local church grouping (called a "Classis") and makes decisions for the body as a whole. Some of these decisions end up as addendum or supplements to "Articles" in our Church Order. It's hard enough to keep up with it when it happens year after year, and the latest edition of the Church Oder is published, let alone when you realize that this has been going on for a long, long time.

That's why the restrictions or guidelines or failsafes or checks and balances feel like "hoops". We're so removed from the original institution of them that we forget that there is typically a reason that they were put in place, and it's typically because something happened that the leadership of the church wanted to avoid in the future.

In that sense, the "hoops" are like the legal language that's listed in the small print on the bottom of a child's toy or the upside-down-kid-head-first-in-the-bucket picture that's on every bucket larger than 2 gallons that you've ever purchased. Somewhere along the line a kid decided to dive into a bucket and the company felt like it would be safer moving forward to warn everyone about the dangers of that activity.

Or, in religious terms, it's like the Pharisees who added boundary laws upon boundary laws to make really-super-sure that no one would ever break the actual law of God. We read the Gospels and laugh at them and fail to realize that at some point, these guys were serious about keeping the law of God and doing what was right in the eyes of God. Yes, they became self-righteous. Yes, over time they missed the point. Yes, Jesus needed to call them out and redirect their confidence from their own righteousness towards the righteousness of Jesus. And all of this must often be done in the denominational context, particularly in the 21st century.

But behind every hoop or boundary law that's put in place is a desire to honor the holiness of God and the righteousness of his church. It's a desire to protect ourselves from ourselves. It's a desire to hand down a clear Gospel message to the next generation. Sometimes the denomination gets in it's own way in the long run, but it's a lot easier to redirect when we understand that the goal was always Jesus Christ and the oversight of His Bride, the church.

Denominations: God's Hilarious Joke, Part One

Added on by Jeremy Mulder.

I was asked to write a post about "getting along with your denomination", and this is what came out. I'm presenting it in three parts, because it's too long for one post. This is part one.

I've often joked that the only reason I'm a part of a denomination is because God pulled an evil joke on me.

Most of my ministry experience was in the context of non-denominational churches. Most of my spiritual growth, development as a pastor and a leader, and maturity into adulthood happened at non-denominational churches. Yet in 2010, God saw fit to bring me into the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) denomination and help plant a church.

I lead with that intro only to make my perspective clear: I am somewhat of a denominational outsider. I'd like to say that, before coming to Restore, I was functionally indifferent towards the idea of denominations. That's probably not true.

Joining a denomination from the outside meant that I brought along with me some preconceived ideas of what it meant to be a part of a denomination, and most of those ideas were negative. Even though I had grown up in a CRCNA church and spent some time ministering in a PCA church immediately after college, I never imagined that it would be part of my long-term ministry. And inasmuch as those experiences certainly shaped my perspective and those ideas I had about denominationalism, the reality was that at root of my negative perceptions was a pride issue: in the end, I thought I knew how to do church better than they did. My church didn't need a denomination to be healthy.

Since then, God has done some work on my heart. Thankfully the Gospel message is more than a once-and-you're-done affair; It's also a daily reminder that despite my best efforts, I need Jesus today more than yesterday (and tomorrow more than today).

I'm still not in love with denominationalism (if God wants that, he has a lot more work to do!) but I have come to see the value of working with a denomination and the depth of faith and accountability and goodness that it offers. It has provided a sense of community and connectedness that I didn't experience in the same way being in the non-denominational context; it's also provided a lot more frustration! Yet, the good has outweighed the bad, and it's in that spirit that I share what I've learned.

Connected to the Cloud

Being connected to the cloud means something different in the 21st century than it did for the writer of Hebrews. There is something powerful about our connectedness to the "great cloud of witnesses" who have come before us, defending and living out the same Christian faith we profess in cultures and centuries very different from ours. 

To be fair, all Christians are connected to the same cloud, regardless of denominational affiliation. But there is something about a denominational connection that ties you in to a very specific historical stream of the Christian faith.

Denominational history gives us a historical framework for understanding how, exactly, the Gospel was passed down, and furthermore, it moves the needle from the generic "we" to the much more personal "me". In other words, this is how the Gospel was handed down to me from a particular cloud of witnesses.

I'm reminded when I read the Belgic Confession that it's author, Guido De Bres, was willing to undergo intense persecution and ultimately martyrdom to fight for the truth and clarity of the Gospel. The Reformed church was being persecuted by the Roman Catholic State/Church system; the Reformed church desired to articulate that what they believed was nothing more than historical, biblical Christianity. The Confession was put together with that end in mind, and it gave a solidarity to the reformed church in the face of their ongoing suffering. 

Being a part of a denomination with it's historical roots reminds me that I have a close and special connection to Guido De Bres. In the historical scope of Christianity, De Bres and I stand together. We are not just believers in common, we are reformed believers in common, standing in the same stream together.

The different catechisms and confessions that every denomination holds each tell a story about our forebears and what they had to endure to make sure that the Scripture and the Gospel were handed down from generation to generation with clarity. I am reminded that I stand in line with those faithful saints, handing down the same Gospel to a new flock in a new era, so that it can be preserved with clarity for our children's children, and beyond.

Stay tuned. Part two to come tomorrow.